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Monday, March 14, 2011

Mauler Workout

I was glad after moving some things that we all got motivated and were able to do a workout last night....Inspired by Andy and his insane workouts, Tom and I made a trip to the Home Depot.  We had a dolly, and purchased a Mauler (new one for me) and sledge hammer.  With Yesel we ventured up to the Monrovia Mountains, Canyon Park.....

The entire workout was just over 2 hours.  Insane, and loved it!  I love the new thoughts and new approach....  I admit it was cool to get the nod of approval from bikers and runners who passed.....

We jogged up the hill carrying the dolly, hammers, and I had my backpack.  We took turns carry each other in the dolly while the person riding had to do bench or curls with both hammers (16 lbs).  That probably proved to be the toughest for me.  We would then venture up a hill a ways and find a dirt mound to take turns with strikes.  I have no idea how many we did in total, at least a couple hundred each.  We chopped a dead tree branch in half, took turns with the hammers or dolly doing squats, lunges, whatever we could.  Stopped a few times for pushups, jumping over obstacles, balance test, whatever.  Running with rocks overhead, giant steps, more curls, whatever we could do. 

It was a great workout, and this is the way to start to push for the death race..... Today I got a nice big tire so I can do a lot of hammer strikes at home now. 
Looking forward to today's workout, and hopefully a trip to sand dune park this weekend!!

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