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Thursday, March 31, 2011

write up in the patch, house, and shin splints..what a combo....

Well I was able to hit the gym, Mon, Tue, and Wed, and will go back tomorrow.  My shins started to hurt, which really concerns me.  If I get shin splints it will throw me out of the race.  Tom sent me just the right advise...that this will be the toughest challenge yet...backing off.  Listening to my body.  I am now icing and will use the foam roller.  Ill have to take the next 2 weeks off and only do elliptical, swim, and bike.  I am really not looking forward to that.  My hope is do 2 weeks on and 2 off the rest of the way with my running. 

I am hoping that this weekend we can do the Rose Bowl.  Tom and Yesel can run and I can do laps on my bike.  Perhaps if I bring my bike, then I can still add in all the other circuit training.  I could even try to bring my cheap ass 200 lb. mountain bike that i have had since 1985 and ride while they run.  Tom, let me know!!

We were written about in the patch....stuff like that is motivating!!  I just dont want to be hurt!!

oh, and Amy was awesome enough to get a great place squared away.  We have a huge 5 bedroom house 2 miles from the venue!  We have to have our garage sale in 2 weeks be a success to have the security deposit to keep the place.....

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