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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Like Spencer says "YOU WILL FINISH"

Well 4 weeks away....and the one thing I know is....I'm as ready as Ill ever be.  I have reached a new level one that I have never been at.  I just came from P.T. where the doctor told me she thinks I am in amazing shape, but also told me I am over training, but at least I am aware of it.  I am doing all the right things to get myself there mentally and physically.  All the mental preparation (staying in a positive place), physical, and most important recovery.  I wish I could work out 5-7 days a week, but I do my 3 days of gym, and try to get in my tough day on the weekends. 
Sometimes I forget or doubt where i am at...but then I get reminded.  I am ready.  Last night in the gym I was called "IronMan", "7%", and "intense"  I didn't know what 7% was until the guy in the sauna told me he calls me that for 7% body fat..... I have trainers asking me to train them, but my favorite was the quiet trainer who I really respect stop, look at me, and he said "you are ready" 
There is a place you get to when you peak.  I feel there.  I have a great support system of friends, teammates, Madison, and Sindy.  I have finally taken that step I have always wanted to take....I feel...well....elite.  I'm going to enjoy this no matter how often Tom and Sindy make fun of me for "looking in the mirror too much"...LMAO!  I may never get here again, or I just might do this every year....either way, I'm happy.  Mentally and Physically.  I feel like I can take on the world.  I have no idea what June 25th will bring but I am prepared and that's all that matters.

The other day I day dreamed about finishing the race.  I thought about what that will feel like.  I actually got a little teary eyed...I think this is going to be the most emotional thing I have done next to the day Madison was born.  I'm so happy my cousin and Al will be there....i hope Sindy can make it as well.....

then I just have to think about next year!!  A true Trinity death race with Tom, myself, and Yesel sounds good!  Trained by Spencer.....

I actually thought this workout sucked, until I looked up and realized I started at 4:45 and it was now 8:30...shows how far I have come that a 3-4 hour workout seems short....

Reverse Pull Ups on Triceps with Abs in and set of regular pull ups, power crunch, 1 Leg Push Ups, Close Grip Bench Press, DB Fly, Tri Ext. Overhead, DB Kickback, Jump Rope (Double Jumps), Dips

Elliptical 4 Min - Push Mat around gym with 45lb. weight
Elliptical 4 Min - Box Jumps
Elliptical 4 Min - Alligator Push Ups
Elliptical 4 Min - Seal Crawl, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Bear Crawl

Incline DB Bench, Incline DB Fly, Wrist Curls, Skull Crusher, Weighted Dips, 1 lap w/10 lb Med Ball, Db Overhead, Mountain Climbers

5 Min Bike - Pull Ups
5 Min Bike - Push Ups
5 Min Bike - Incline Bench
5 Min Bike - Incline Bench

4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio work on all calves
4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio work Abs and P.T. work on Band
4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio all on Abs and cardio
4 Laps in Pool - after about 5 minutes my triceps locked up and I had to call it a day....
Jumped in the jacuzzi for a bit then the steam room, then out....

Here I come Vermont.......

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