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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My final blog before Death Day......

This will be my final blog before I leave for Vermont.......

What an amazing 10 months this has been........ I'm not even sure where to begin.  Doing an event like this allows you to have a platform to express yourself, find yourself, allows us to step out of our daily grind and identify a period of your life.  I have been asked over and over again... "why do you do this?"  "What do you get out of this"....the answer is not simple and I am not sure i could express it well in a blog..... I will say that this event has given me a place to look at the past year which has probably been the biggest change in my life and just be reflective..... I will say that I feel that I am a better person, much more appreciative, grateful, patient, and understanding.  Just to look on the surface..... in the last year, I have changed my body, formed life long friendships, changed my attitude on fitness, got a divorce, formed a new relationship, lost my house, dog, and time with my daughter, found religion, got a promotion..... I mean what a year!  But this race, this event, has given me the skills to come out of all it a better person.  I truly believe it is the training the attitude, the vulnerability, and the courage to look at who i really am, face my problems, and know that I have the strength to come out on top. 

I have always said "Its about the journey, not the finish"  What I do race day is irrelevant.  I am going to win, but that's not what we remember.  I am fortunate in that I have been coaching and competing for many years.  I have been on many journeys as a competitor, with someone as their coach, or with my own coaching competitive dreams...i have discovered that you wont remember the wins and loses.  What you will remember is the journey taken, the friendships formed, the training for something you want more than anything, the vulnerability and spirituality of it all..... Coaching has really made the biggest difference for me.  Taking the journey so many times before with so many different people, with so many different goals, dreams, reasons, highs and lows, it made this particular journey in the middle of my life so much more understandable for me.  I was able to appreciate all of it, understand where I am going, what it means, and hopefully where it will take me.  There were so many wrestlers that all brought me to a place as an athlete where I felt like i had a total understanding of this journey....... There are simply to many stories over the years, but without each of them, taking the ride with each and everyone of them, I don't think I would have had the same experience, the patience, and the appreciation to know how short a ride it is, and to make sure and enjoy and Cherish each and every experience......

When we are in high school we allow ourselves to be much more expressive, exposed, vulnerable, and we allow ourselves to feel without regard for the rest of the world.  That's what an event like this can do for you.  When you look at peoples facebook pages, most of their "friends" are people they knew in high school, people they have not spoken to in 20 years....why is that...its because we go to such a pure place at that time in our life, we feel without regard, we believe in dreams others deem silly, we lose ourselves, and that's what i have been able to do at 38 years of age. 

All of the training, the life changing events that happened this year, I was able to express it, enjoy it, and handle it because I was on this journey to conquer one of the worlds toughest races.  I exposed myself for my friends and family to see, and I allowed myself to believe in something greater than myself.  I allowed myself to become a kid again, let go, and dream. 

I can still remember the first time Yesel, Tom, and I adventured in Angeles National Forest.  Deep in the mountains, we found ourselves lost.  I can remember the stress I felt and how it overtook me physically and emotionally.  I can remember the break down and feeling lost.  What i learned that day...after letting go and trusting in my friends, myself, and that particular journey was that if you let go, trust in where you are headed it will all work out the way it is supposed to.  That day forever changed me and the way i look at the world and tackle my life.  I have learned to let it believe.  When you are training like that, you get vulnerable, exposed, it takes you to a spiritual place where you are completely broken down and are forced to face yourself.  I learned how to strip myself to the bare bone, look inside, and actually like what i see.  The rest doesn't matter as long as you like who you are at your core, as long as you believe, as long as you dream. 

The Death Race is about dreaming.  Its about adversity.  Its about finding yourself.  In the race if you go one hour or 40 hours, it really doesn't matter.  What matters is that you have the courage to break yourself down and face the adversity.  You had the guts if even for one moment in time to dream. 

My life is forever changed.  I found myself again......

Monday, June 13, 2011

almost there.....

Wow!  So I just went through an old email account which is linked to this blog.  In it I found a ton of messages from my blogs that i have never seen!  How motivating to go back, realize people were responding and encouraging, and relive this journey..... I feel God had it planned....I randomly looked and its 2 weeks before the race....couldn't have come at a better time!  So sorry Andy, Amy, Al, Craig, Mom, Spencer, and others who writing back responses and encouragement and I never received it!

It was amazing to go back and read from the reasons for doing this, where I was when the training started, remindimg myself I am doing this to show Madison the importance of living life to its fullest, the people that inspired me....the complete journey...that was AWESOME!!!

This past weekend we did a crazy workout!  Tom's second death race workout.  Andy and Joe really should hire him.  I'm at the end of this journey now.... and the one thing I take away more than anything is the friendships, and something like this race to give this time in my life a little more meaning or purpose or reason to remember everything in my life.  I wont ever forget the past 10 months....EVER!  So much has happened...I am a completely different person.  Who I am, what I believe, spiritually, emotionally, my priorities...all of it.  Most of all I am much more appreciative of what I have rather than worrying about what I don't have.  I feel more patient, more grateful, and hopefully I can be a better father, friend, lover, son, business owner, athlete, human being...this life is sooo short.  Find your purpose and live it.  Whatever it is.  Be the best dad, friend, athlete, artist, gear head, whatever it is you can do to leave your mark on this world, make sure you leave it.  You wont have a second chance to ever do it again.  Do it all now.  LIVE.........

I will write again before I leave.....but i truly want to thank everyone for all of it.  My life is half full without each of you and the memories we share.  Spencer and I had it right when we were kids and we used to say.... "its all about the story"

Below is our death race training #2.  I cant thank Tom enough for all his efforts and all he does.  But the thing I took away the most was the water challenge.  One death racer went out in waist high water in the ocean while another was blindfolded and put a pillow case over their head.  The other death racer had to verbally lead that person to the death racer in the water who was holding all their gear over there head....when you put on a blindfold that is one thing..but put on  a pillow case and the lights really go off.  You are so vulnerable, and humbled.  It is the oddest and most alone feeling...but what i learned is if you just relax and trust the person you are supposed to trust...your friend and yourself you will find where you are supposed to go.  I learned so much about letting go, trusting, the journey, and overcoming adversity.  Its the spirit of the death race and I am forever grateful to this race...the journey....

Final Death Race Workout
Designed by Tom McFadden
Laura, Yesel, Daren and Tom…
Mandatory Gear – Mountain bike, jean shorts, goggles, 6 rocks, rosary, pillow case, gloves, sledge hammer, duct tape, 2 – 5 gallon buckets, 1 pair of jean shorts…

Arrive at Seal Beach AM there were flags roped off to make a 200yard  route also Tom had made wooden crosses out of 8 foot pine studs customized for size of the death racer

  1. 400 walking lunges from crosses.
  2. 50 warrior lunges – with pockets full of rocks
  3. 100 bucket squats (filled with sand)
  4. Backward low crawl on our back in jean shorts: on our backs with the buckets full of our equipment and mauls 400 yards
  5. Mental challenge – religious question I got mine wrong so 25 bucket pushups
  6. Blind Equipment retrieval – each death racer took turns leading the other racer into the ocean, one blindfolded with pillow case and the other acts as the leader guiding them verbally only to the 3rd racer who was in waist deep water
  7. Cross carry 1 mile in sand – each quarter lap place cross in sand and do 25 lateral burpees
  8. Mental Challenge
  9. Bucket Carry ½ mile full of sand
  10. Sand sprint ½ mile
  11. Got on Bikes were supposed to ride to Rio Hondo JC.  We got very lost and about 8-10 cities away from Seal Beach.  Ended up in the hood (this was the hood version of death race).  Great to deal with the adversity!  Somehow found Tom in “the hood”
  12. Rode to Rio Hondo Community College where we snuck into the police cadet training center
Did there obstacle course a couple times
Everyone was pretty done after the crazy bike ride!  Ready as ever….Death Race!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have not posted in a while.... I have been tapering down a bit.  I'm doing 3-4 days in the gym, and taking every other weekend off when I have Madison.  It all has to be kept in check, or balance.  So I am very comfortable with what I have done.  Some people have done more, some less, but  I feel stronger and faster than I ever have in my life, and have been able to achieve that while also keeping my focus at work, with my daughter, Sindy, moving, friends, etc....I feel good that I have been able to have some balance while getting through all this. 

I have reached another level for sure.  My workouts are all in circuits now, and I hit 7-10 exercises on a target muscle group, then go do 20 min. of cardio, repeat, and then hard cardio in the sauna.  I have taken what cross fit does, combined with all my years of wrestling and weightlifting and found a very tough groove that has kept me injury free.  That was the theory behind Cross Fit Endurance...cross training at 20 min with very focused, form concentrated workouts to prevent injury while staying athletic.  I would go to cross fit, however, my workouts are way tougher than what a cross fit can provide as they are in a group setting.  What they do in 20 min. Ill do that with twice as much and for longer periods.  I need that type of training for an event as large as this.....

A few things as I draw near.......  I have really enjoyed the community and people I have met on this journey.  Having social Internet sites has changed events like this.  You now have a place where people from all over the country or world can communicate, blog, message, text, and talk about their journey.  Its amazing to know that what you are going through, everyone else is sharing..... its the struggle that makes it so special.  Its important to remember that.  I have learned to enjoy all of it, and take it all with a smile.  I honestly believe this entire experience and all I am going through will ultimately make me a more patient, understanding, and appreciative person....

Speaking of appreciation.... I am VERY appreciative of all the support throughout this.  All my family, friends, Sindy, and other athletes have pushed me through a truly incredible adventure.  Madison who believes in me, Sindy who stands next to me and has ice when I need it :) Tom and Yesel my trinity, Spencer, Al, and Craig who give me words of encouragement, my uncle rich who always has the right thing to say at the most unexpected times, my cousin Amy who has always been the person I would want to be, my brother who reminds me that in the end you need to have fun, all the other people who have contributed, helped, opened up their homes and heart during this training process, my friends in the Death Race community who give me the competitive drive needed, my mother who thinks I am nuts but is always proud of me, and the other day I got a very nice text from my cousin who told me she was speaking with my father who was very proud of all I am doing.  That meant a lot to me as he never really shows that side of himself to me.  I have always wanted to make him proud, or just share something we have in common.  I think through just the person I have become, driven, ambitious, family first, we have found that common ground.  It doesn't have to be a car for us to share interest....sometimes you can be completely different people on the surface but be so similar at your core

So my workouts have gone down to a circuit, cardio, another circuit, and sauna.  Usually takes me about 2-3 hours, which believe it or not is a taper.  The other day I had a guy give me possibly the biggest compliment of my life...he is a larger gentlemen, probably 300-350 lbs.  The past couple of days as he waits for his class to begin he has watched me in my cardio workouts.  The other day as I was doing my thing, he stopped me, and I tried to shrug him off because I want to work.  He told me "sorry to bother you, I just wanted to tell you that you inspire me.  I have been thinking about quiting the gym and thinking that i cant do any of this.  When I watch you and your diligence and devotion I think that maybe some day I can get there as well.  If you can do that at that level, i can commit to my plan.  You inspire a lot of people"

That really motivated me.  To come from a stranger....well, it was really amazing.  I'm ready for this thing, I plan to give it my all. 

btw....I have one last "mini death race" this weekend with Tom...

he is pretty creative with things and here is my gear list thus far....LOL......

mountain bike
3 rocks the size of the palm of your hand
sledge hammer or maul
duct tape
pillow case

then he got mad when I guessed what this was for and added 3 more rocks and jean shorts, which I still don't know if I will show up with or not...LOL....Id almost prefer some punishment....make it tough......

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Like Spencer says "YOU WILL FINISH"

Well 4 weeks away....and the one thing I know is....I'm as ready as Ill ever be.  I have reached a new level one that I have never been at.  I just came from P.T. where the doctor told me she thinks I am in amazing shape, but also told me I am over training, but at least I am aware of it.  I am doing all the right things to get myself there mentally and physically.  All the mental preparation (staying in a positive place), physical, and most important recovery.  I wish I could work out 5-7 days a week, but I do my 3 days of gym, and try to get in my tough day on the weekends. 
Sometimes I forget or doubt where i am at...but then I get reminded.  I am ready.  Last night in the gym I was called "IronMan", "7%", and "intense"  I didn't know what 7% was until the guy in the sauna told me he calls me that for 7% body fat..... I have trainers asking me to train them, but my favorite was the quiet trainer who I really respect stop, look at me, and he said "you are ready" 
There is a place you get to when you peak.  I feel there.  I have a great support system of friends, teammates, Madison, and Sindy.  I have finally taken that step I have always wanted to take....I feel...well....elite.  I'm going to enjoy this no matter how often Tom and Sindy make fun of me for "looking in the mirror too much"...LMAO!  I may never get here again, or I just might do this every year....either way, I'm happy.  Mentally and Physically.  I feel like I can take on the world.  I have no idea what June 25th will bring but I am prepared and that's all that matters.

The other day I day dreamed about finishing the race.  I thought about what that will feel like.  I actually got a little teary eyed...I think this is going to be the most emotional thing I have done next to the day Madison was born.  I'm so happy my cousin and Al will be there....i hope Sindy can make it as well.....

then I just have to think about next year!!  A true Trinity death race with Tom, myself, and Yesel sounds good!  Trained by Spencer.....

I actually thought this workout sucked, until I looked up and realized I started at 4:45 and it was now 8:30...shows how far I have come that a 3-4 hour workout seems short....

Reverse Pull Ups on Triceps with Abs in and set of regular pull ups, power crunch, 1 Leg Push Ups, Close Grip Bench Press, DB Fly, Tri Ext. Overhead, DB Kickback, Jump Rope (Double Jumps), Dips

Elliptical 4 Min - Push Mat around gym with 45lb. weight
Elliptical 4 Min - Box Jumps
Elliptical 4 Min - Alligator Push Ups
Elliptical 4 Min - Seal Crawl, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Bear Crawl

Incline DB Bench, Incline DB Fly, Wrist Curls, Skull Crusher, Weighted Dips, 1 lap w/10 lb Med Ball, Db Overhead, Mountain Climbers

5 Min Bike - Pull Ups
5 Min Bike - Push Ups
5 Min Bike - Incline Bench
5 Min Bike - Incline Bench

4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio work on all calves
4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio work Abs and P.T. work on Band
4 Laps in Pool - 10 Min Sauna cardio all on Abs and cardio
4 Laps in Pool - after about 5 minutes my triceps locked up and I had to call it a day....
Jumped in the jacuzzi for a bit then the steam room, then out....

Here I come Vermont.......

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

death training!!!

So this past weekend was crazy.....  Tom and Spencer put together one hell of a day!!  The best part of these adventures is the adversity you face with someone.  It brings you to a place you just cant explain.  The best I can say is its very honest, spiritual, emotional, and physical.  What a day....
here is my best memory of the day......

10:30 PM Friday night I get a text.... "4:30 am my house, don't be late or there will be consequences"
We arrive at Toms house, and I get there at 4:30 on the dot.  Gear packed, food, clothes, we have to be prepared...I was happy to pack my gear and test that part out. 

We are told chose an item on a table.  Yesel took a map to Angeles National Forest and I took bug spray.  We actually used both....

We were told to get on Toms mountain bikes.  Then he handed us each an 8 lb. Sledge Hammer and told to deal with it and ride to the Santa Fe dam.  We were not used to the bikes and it was pitch black so that was the first of many challenges to come.  Yesel was able to tie down her hammer to her bike.  About a mile in she found a tie down on the street.  We picked it up and I used it to tie my hammer to the bike.  I should have just grabbed my rope in my pack, but who is thinking at 4:30am?

We got to the Dam....I was having a rough morning....we got a monster hill.  Tom told us to do 10 hill sprints.  We, including Tom did the sprints and did several of them with the hammers over head.  The total mileage was about 2.5 miles.  Just when I felt like I was all but about to check out.....BAM, Spencer shows up!  It was such an emotional uplift....this is what the race is all about...dealing with adversity.....

So we get back on our bikes and ride to the Santa Fe Dam "Beach"  There Tom and Spencer make us do sand lunges (ok, so when they turned their back, me and Yesel cheated and ran behind them, until Spencer busted us).  Then we were told to do sand side squats.  Get to the end of that beach and told to alligator crawl all the way back...damn...this was through the grossest "beach" filled with dog and duck shit!!!

We get there and Tom takes both Hammers and discuss throws them in the water.  We are told to get out there, find em.  Luckily the water was warm and we found them pretty easily.  Now once in this gross ass water at 5:30 am we are told to stay waist high and do 50 hammer strikes in the water.  We pound away and all the people fishing are about to give us a death challenge....

we get out of the water and do 50 more strikes on the beach.  Then the po-po shows up and all my "friends" bail out on me!  Hey spencer....this reminds me of Rome when your ass got left behind, or Tom help me out with the dog catcher, or yesel hey its the park ranger!!!  I tell the po-po we are lifeguards in training....

we get to the beach and tom gives us a mental challenge.  You have 2 minutes to figure out 10 of the trivia questions...thank god yesel put that Phoenix education to work, cause i think I only got one.  She got them all, so no punishment....

Back on bikes and we ride back to Toms house.  We are told to Ride to Toms house.  We get back there and are told to ride to Eaton Canyon....great another 15 miles up hill on un-familiar bikes in gross ass clothes.  We stop by the church and say a quick prayer which was great.  So we get up to Eaton Canyon Nature Center and find tom there.  With full packs we do 100 step ups and 100 squats.  Then he takes off the tires and tells us to carry the bike to Henniger Flats.  This was the toughest part for Yesel.  We all have our moments, and this one was her test.....

We reach our next stop.  Bikes go down, and we are told to hike through, hinneger to Iddle Hour - Inspiration Point - E. Mountain, to Lake street.  Up the hill we go with packs.  At some point we stop and realize we are way off the trial and a bit lost.  We have to decide if we quit and go back the way we came or march on.  All of the sudden a guy training for an ultra Marathon comes out and we ask him to point the way out.  We run with him for a bit and he takes us back to the trail.  We did an extra 5 miles out of the way but decided to march forward...... we eat a lot throughout this and had moments where you just don't feel well.  The goo gets gross, your hot and sweaty, blisters, it was tough.  We get to Echo Mountain where we given an envelope and told to open there.  So now we have gone on a 20 mile hike after all the other crap and told we need to find clues to find combinations to a lock where our bikes are chained.  Coming down the trail we find an ICA sign and on the back are our combos.  We are told to memorize, but to hell with that we have a sharpie and write it on our arms. 

By the time we reach the bottom we are something like 40-50 miles in, and 14 hours.  Sindy, Spencer, and others were worried.  Tom had a lot left to do but it was late and we were much later than anticipated.  We walked much of the hike and i think they expected us to run.  It was a crazy day that I was so proud to be a part of...also thankful for some great friends.

I didn't feel great after.  Legs, and feet were a Little banged up.  I was a little worried about the death race as I will triple that time out there.  Blisters and hurt feet, plus food will be the biggest problem.  I have realized that the support crew will be the most important part of it all.....  We went on a hike yesterday back up hinneger with Sindy, Tom, Romie, and Morgan.  It was a lot of fun, but man my toes hurt!  I was very proud of little Morgan for making it all the way up that hill!  Its great to share all this with such great people.....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Its truly amazing the highs and lows of this journey.  Its really hard to explain at times, and I almost hate going through it.  I put myself out there and don't like feeling so self centered....its just such an amazing journey.  This has been such an incredible journey physically, emotionally, physically, and even financially.  I feel like my whole life I have worked my tail off to try and reach the ultimate.  I missed a state championship, placing in the top 5 of my marathons, being a Spartan Champion, I feel like I have always gotten close but just never been able to sit on that top podium.  But most people get one shot, one chance, to do something extraordinary to them.  This is my opportunity and I am enjoying every second of it.  The pain, the struggle, the sacrifice, all for one moment.....  Life is short, I plan to make the most of it. 
I feel great that Yesel is able to share this journey with me.  I got a rush this morning seeing her pics up there on the Spartan Facebook page, and the attention and admiration she must have felt good.  It feels good to do this with friends.  Having Al call me up and making the flight, the encouraging words from Craig a person who has achieved greatness, my cousin Amy and the excitement of the boys who are coming to cheer, my uncles emails of encouragement, Sindy always being in my corner and looking to come up, Tom with just everything he does, my family who may not understand but sure send me their love, talking to other death racers,  Carrie Adams and her infectious enthusiasm, becoming a spartan promoter, Spencer and his unconditional support of 25 years, the random people who email me or fb to ask me questions about this, the people in the gym who think I am a freak, and most important my daughter who is the light of my life and heart.  Those are the things that are going to push me through this....I only hope some day i can begin to repay these people. 
Craig did remind me of one thing.....I need to go up there to win this thing.  If I don't, or I fall after an hour, or I finish 23rd, then so be it, but he is right..... no one is any more deserving than I am.  My ultimate goal is to cross 1st and 2nd with Yesel with my support crew there.  I envision that moment and it makes me overwhelmed with emotion already!  But I have killed it to get her.  This has been a lifetime of work to reach this level.  And I am there.....I am at another level that i may or may not reach again.  But this is my heavyweight title shot, my chance at greatness....I plan to kick the absolute shit out of that farm.......

Here are some of my recent workouts.....take this Death Race.....

All super sets no rest each rep 10-20 xs...
Workout #1
limited on time so this only had one circuit...
2 Leg Squat, 1 Leg Squat, Seated Calf, Butt Blaster, Medine Ball Squats, 1 Arm 1 Leg Curl, Preacher Curl, Jump Rope, Wood Chop
3 Min Elliptical - 100 Push Ups
3 Min Elliptical - 100 Mountain Climbers
3 Min Elliptical - 100 Jumping Jacks
3 Min Elliptical - 100 Yes Nos
3 Min Elliptical - 100 Box Jumps

20 Min HARD Cardio in the trainer room - Non stop mixing up all exercises in 1 minute intervals

36 Min hard carido in Sauna

Workout #2
Reverse Pull Ups on triceps, Pull Ups, DB Kickbacks, Close Grip Bench Press, DB Fly, Tri Extension overhead DB, Dips, DB Overhead on Chest, Jump Rope, Plank

4 Min Elliptical, 100 Push ups
4 Min Elliptical, 100 Incline Sit ups
4 Min Elliptical, 100 Box Jumps
4 Min Elliptical, 100 Mountain Climbers

Incline DB Chest, Skull Crushers, Incline DB Fly, Weighted Bench Dips, Situps, One Leg Push Ups, Lat Push Ups, 50 Jumping Jacks, 50 Lat Jacks, Incline Chest Press

8 Min Hard Sauna Cardio - 4 Laps in Pool

Workout #3
Limited on time :(
DB curl, BB Curl, Iso Db Curl, Row, Good Morning, Pull Ups, Lat Pull Down, Side Step one lap, Stair Jumps(3), Db Row

2 Min Elliptical all out (i went so fast the machine shut down :) ) - Incline Push Ups
2 Min Elliptical all out Sit Ups
2 Min Elliptical all out Dips
2 Min Elliptical all out Jump Rope
2 Min Elliptically all out Pull Ups

Cable Curl, Cable Cross Over Curl, Iso Curl, Tri Push Down, Low Back, Lat Low Back, Plank, Row, lat pull down, seated row, row on delts

hard sauna cardio 28 minutes

Friday, May 20, 2011

going to finish

We got our first email from Andy in forever.  As my friend, Al, said looks like the race has gotten some publicity and they are really going to try and make this thing as tough as possible.  The only thing that bothered me was the idea of it going through Monday.  We had made plans to leave Monday.  I was a little worried at first, but was relieved to hear Yesel tell me she is ok with staying an extra day, and I kinda like the idea of it going for so long. 

I think that email was intended to intimidate, but really all it did for me is motivate!  For a long time I didn't think we belonged or were in the class of some of the athletes.  People like my dad always try to tell me how difficult this is, or how accomplished some of the athletes are, or like he said today "this seems pretty silly.  If they asked me to take a medicine ball keep it over my head in a freezing lake, I would just go home".  But that's the point of this entire race...its a test of the human spirit.  This isn't about speed or your credentials...this is about testing your spirit, who you are as a person....what are you going to do in your darkest moments? 

I have always thought of myself as a grinder.  I was never the most gifted athlete...but I always felt I could outwork anyone.  I would stick things out when others would quit and move on.  I have a lot of tenacity and very little break in me.  This race has already been such a test for me physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually, and it has been the best thing in my life!  I love the adversity, I love the challenge.  This is the time to find out what you are made of. 

I also am starting to think that I belong.  I have read some peoples blogs and workouts, and even some of the most accomplished athletes do the same or less than what Yesel and I have done.  Both of us have a ton of drive and stubbornness, and I believe we BELONG.....

My new motto for the next 5 weeks as given to me from Spencer is...

I also wanted to write that the support I have been feeling has been overwhelming.  My friend called to tell me he would see if he could make the flight.  Even if he doesn't, that type of support is amazing.  My family, friends, all of it has been awesome.  I just feel so good spiritually and ready to do this.  Today my daughter told me she was making a sign for me.  She told me her daddy could beat anyone but her!  I'm going up there with the support of my gf, friends, family, and it feels great!!!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

I didn't have a lot of time yesterday as I had a meeting at the school, so I had to hurry up my workout at the gym.  But I was incredibly inspired by Yesels recent enthusiasm with her workouts, and also spoke to one of the most inspirational people, Carrie Adams.  She is writing a few articles on people doing the Death Race and we did a phone interview.  As an incredible athlete herself, future death racer 2012, and Spartan promoter she had some great insight.  But its the network of people you meet doing these things that I love.  Anyone who attempts to challenge themselves to this level is usually pretty motivated in life.  I find the other racers to be some of the most adventurous, motivated people I have ever come across.  The comradely of the participants is amazing.  Carrie really had me motivated to push on and even gear up for my next event, whatever that will be. 

Sharing this journey with people in my life that i care about has also been inspirational.  I am so lucky to have friends and family and also to meet people along the way who make this all such a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I feel very blessed and motivated....

Quick and Fast WOD

Cable Bicep Curls, Iso Cable Curl, Jump Rope, 50 Jumping Jacks, 60 Mountain Climbers, Low Back, Curls, Lat Pull Down, Row, Row on Rear Delts

5 Sets of Stairs, 15 Pull Ups, 5 Min Elliptical, Alligator Push Ups, 50 Box Jumps

BB Curl, Good Morning, Wirst Curl, Pull Ups, Incline DB Curls, Row, Iso DB Curl

25 Minutes Sauna work mixing in my P.T.

I have to admit it was motivating when a guy at the gym told me he wanted to buy my energy.  We spoke about what I am doing.  And he said I look very noticeably different.  He said I look shredded....that was nice for my ego to hear...

“We turn off pain and then give it a negative connotation.  Anything that is worth doing is going to hurt. Running away from pain is running away from physical, mental, and spiritual greatness.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

getting through it

I have been reading about all the amazing athletes in this race.  Its really inspiring just to be a part of it all.  I always feel like I can do more as my athletic career has always been based off the idea that I may not be as fast or gifted as someone, but I can always out work anyone.  I suppose that has been my attitude in life.  Some of these people really take it to another level, and some are just finding their way.  I have to remind myself to not look in any other lane than the one I am in.....

Either way, I am hooked on the rush of all this.  I cant stand the thought of not having an amazing goal in front of me after this Ill have to start to think about the "next".  I could try and do Alcatraz in August, or hit a half or full Ironman.  The Coastal Challenge looked great.  Or I could always stick to the current plan of a few fun races throughout the year, mixed in with the Spartan, Spring, and Arizona, Catalina, and do the death race again.  The Catalina Ultra could be next..... lets see if I can get anyone to join me......

I didn't really feel it yesterday.  But I did manage to get in 3 hours or so. 

2 Leg Squat, Rotator Shoulder Raise, Shoulder Raise, 1 Leg Squat, Jump Rope, 1 Leg 1 Arm Shoulder Press, Unsupported Shoulder Press, Leg Curl on Hamstring

3 min Elliptical, Sit Ups
3 min Elliptical, Pull Ups
5 min Elliptical, Sit Ups
5 min Elliptical, Pull Ups

Cross Step Run, Cleans, Lunges, Plate Raise, Rotator Plate, Plate Shrug, Lat Lunges

5 min bike, 50 push Ups, 2 sets of Stair Squats

Sauna Stretch
20 Minutes Cardio in the Sauna

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This past weekend was a lot of fun.  It was good to get Trinity back out and at a race.  Tom, Yesel, and I ran the 7 mile Fountain to the Falls race in Monrovia.  It was fun to be able to run my home town, and saw several locals and several wrestlers out there.  For some reason I had a lot of pain and it caused me to slow down a lot.  I still somehow managed to finish in the front of the pack, I really think I could have been top 3 if I felt better.  But more important it was just fun to get out with the gang and run to the falls. 

I finally got in to see my new physical therapist.  They said I am weak in my glutes so i have some exercises to try and strengthen that.  My plan is to go through enough of this to get my butt to that farm and across the finish line.  That's all I care about.  Speaking of motivation...I keep missing an interview with Carrie for the Spartan Web Site.  We are on again tomorrow, so I look forward to talking to her what this race is about and what it means to me. 

I was reminded this is not about a finish.  This is about facing who you are.  This about adversity and what will you do when everything fails you.  How will you respond when things are at their toughest.  It doesn't matter finish or not...this is about a journey, being a part of something, and self reflection.  I plan to get my shoes blessed by Father Eugene the day I leave and if I finish I may just leave those shoes behind at the farm.  It used to be a wrestling tradition to leave your shoes on the mat when you retire.  I don't plan on retiring, just starting  a new chapter in my life.....and who a death racer every year or every other year.....

So yesterday I was realy feeling it!  Tom....check this bad ass day out..... (I admit I was a lot pushed by Yesel doing 5 fricking hours before me at her gym)

No Rest - GO, GO, GO.... all super sets, 3.5 hours

Warm Up and Physical Therapy Exercises (on band)

Reverse Pull Ups, DB Bench Press, Skull Crushers, DB Fly, Tri Extension Overhead DB, DB push Ups, 1 Leg Push Ups (each leg), 1 lap with 8lb Med Ball overhead, Jumprope

8 Min Elliptical, Alligator Push Ups, 15 Med Ball Squat and thrust

Incline Chest Press, 1 Leg 1 Arm Tri Extension, Fly, 2 Arm Tri Extension, Dips, Push Up Burpies with Jump, Unsupported Press

5 sets of stairs, 50 Push Ups, 5 Laps, 10 Pull Ups
4 sets of stairs, 40 Push Ups, 4 Laps, 10 Pull Ups
3 sets of stairs, 30 Push Ups, 3 Laps, 10 Pull Ups
2 sets of stairs, 20 Push Ups, 2 Laps, 10 Pull Ups
1 sets of stairs, 10 Push Ups, 1 Laps, 10 Pull Ups

Tricep Press, Chest Press, Abs, Dips, Abs, Plank, 3 Sets of Stair Jumps

15 Min Sauna Stretch and Physical Therapy Exercises (on band)
12 Min Sauna Cardio

5 Min Jacuzzi relax

OK....i really attacked it yesterday....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today I am reflective on how fragile life is.  With a few people getting ill it reminds me that this is a short ride.  I plan to live it to the fullest.  I really don't care about knee or shin pain, I plan to do as much as I can and have lots of stories, memories, and experiences to reflect back on. 
I just got my physical therapy moved up to Monday morning, which I am very excited about :)  Hopefully working with them will help me to have a long career and enjoy it all.
This past week Yesel and I filmed a bit at the gym and did a really awesome circuit.  However, for some reason the tape didn't come out.  So I gotta get her back in there at least once, cause the footage would have looked great and I know the video at the end of all this will be great!  I just have to arrange time to make it happen.  We worked hard, but honestly I could be doing even more.  3-4 days a week in the gym just seems like its not enough.  But I have let go, and decided to work with whatever time I have.  I don't go anymore for millage, time, or count my reps....its all about just going until I have nothing left and I have had a good workout.  Seems to be a better way to do it!

Yesterday -
Target Back and Biceps
BB Curl, Incline DB Curl, DB Row, Good Morning, T Bar, Behind the Neck Pull Ups, Side Sprint 1 Lap, Wrist Curls
15 Min Elliptical with a break every few minutes for...
Diamond Push Ups, Side Side Push Ups, 1 Leg Push Ups, Decline Push Ups
Bicep Curl, Row, Cable Iso Curl, Cable Curl, Pulldown, Low Back, Row Deltoid, Plank
8 Min Elliptical
Alligator Push Ups, Jump Rope
8 Min Elliptical
Push Ups
Sauna Stretch
17 Min Sauna Work

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

All the build up to this race is the hard part.  The training is easy.  I have no idea what to bring, how to prepare, etc.  I'm glad the flight, rental, car, and registration is taken care of.  We had a lot of help and I feel so blessed to have great friends who support all this craziness.  I hope I can return the favor to so many good people. 
So Death Racers are now shuffling....there have been no emails, no idea what to bring, nothing.  Very different from what i have read about years past.  Either they are busy or this is part of it all.  Either way, I have to prepare as best as possible.  ill go get my pack this week and finish up some of the things I need for the race.  I only hope I don't buy things and then don't need them.  I am very worried about buying another pack and then I get some email with a gear list that is not adaptable to my pack.  I am not going to do anything fancy....Wal Mart or REI, under 50 bucks.  I think some over think it all or some under.  I plan to be in the middle....
Sunday I had a great run up to Canyon Park, through Sawpit Canyon, to Deer Park, and a little past White Saddle.  That was about as far as I have gone up the hill.  If I had more time or friends with me, I would have gone a lot further.  I felt good and had a lot more to give.  I estimate about 15 miles give or take, and enjoyed the uphill climb.  On my way down I gave myself a treat and ran through the Ben Overturff trail.  Its so amazing and beautiful up there...I wish I could share the experience.  The cold gets to me a little when you get that high up and you have a sweaty backpack on..... but I am addicted to trail running now, and love where I live!

Yesterday I got a good gym workout.  My shins hurt a bit and for the first time my knee bothered me a bit.  But I really do feel good overall and I am so dang excited about this thing and everything going on in my life.  I feel like the next chapter of my life is about to unfold...if only business were doing a bit better.....
Focus Chest and Triceps
3.5 Hours
Freemont Chest Press, Unsupported Chest Press, Freemont Fly, Pec Fly, Double Jump Rope Jumps, 2 Arm Tri Extension, 1 arm 1 leg tri push down
4 Min. Elliptical, lat jumps 1 lap
4 Min Elliptical, Alligator Push Ups
4 Min Elliptical, behind the neck pull ups
4 Min Elliptical, 1 Leg Push Ups, side side push ups
DB Chest Press, BB Skull Crushers, DB Kickbacks, Incline Fly, Tri Ext, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers
7 Min Bike, 1 leg Push Ups, Pull Ups
Tri Push Down, Close Grip Bench, Tri Overhead, Dips, Iso Behind the neck  Press, Jump over DB
Sauna Stretch 7 Min
Sauna Work 23 Min, all abs and calves

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I love it when I get a chance to workout with friends!  I get a charge when Yesel can make the gym, as we are doing this together, and its very motivating to have that person with you...or at least to share in the fun/missery!  I felt great yesterday, and really got a lot done.  I had some very motivating comments from some people at the gym.... a trainer said "bro, you look shredded" a guy in the sauna was asking about what I am training for, and a few others made some comments about my workouts and what I look like right now.  Its still hard getting used to being this lean, but I am starting to enjoy it.  I just feel so young, fresh, strong, and quick.  A little hair dye to get rid of the gray coming back and Ill be good!

Things are just going very well.  I wish things were a little bussier at work, but personally and spiritually i feel very strong.  Ready to battle that damn farm.....

I read some of the blogs, notes, watch some of the videos, and talk to some of the other death racers..... Everyone who has signed up for this thing is a nut and everyone has a special toughness about them.  I have really fallen into my zone and found where I belong.  Some people hit things differently, harder, less, whatever...I'm very comfortable with what I do.  Sometimes I wish I could do more.... Tonight I have to get Madison, then I have class, tomorrow is a dodger game, Saturday is my day with Madison, and I hope to get in a Sunday run.  But I feel good with what I am able to do, the balance within, and the adventure ahead....

So here we go....all circuits fast, minimal rest, 10-15 reps per set
Target - Back and Biceps
Yesel and Daren Death Training....

Cable Cross Over, Low Row, Curl, Lat Pull Down, Good Morning, Iso Curl, Plank, Jumprope
3 Sets of Stairs, 3 Laps, Pull Ups (PushUps for Yesel)
Arm Curl, Abs(killer!), bicep curl, row, lat low row, lat pull down
Elliptical 14 Min (Yesel kept at the Elliptical I did the below set)
Ab Crunch, BB Curl, DB Row, T-Bar, Iso DB Curl, Run a lap w/10lb. Weight

5 Min Sauna Stretch
17 Min Sauna Cardio (wow was it hot!)
7 Min Steam Room Cardio

I am happy with what I am doing...everyone else seems to be on cross fit, chopping wood, and carrying a tire around.  Remains to be seen if my workouts will hold up.  I cant see Andy doing the same old stuff.  Everyone is expecting wood chopping, eating an onion, carrying hay, whatever.  I think he will hit is another way just because that's too predictable.  Either way, Andy..... I'm giving this my all

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is not a game and Im not playing.....

Its amazing what a new pair of shoes can do for me!  I am starting to feel like I am pushing it to another level, however, I do pay for it when I get home.  I feel faster, lighter, and stronger than any time i can remember in my life, however, I feel my age when it comes to recovery time. 

I love the feeling I get when I train.....I get to the gym, put on my armor, slip up my shin guards, grab my baseball, stretch, and slip away in the shuffle ipod.  I feel like a different person when I am training.  I feel strong, elite, and its a bit of a rush.  I crash pretty hard when I get home, but I am really enjoying this.  I am already wondering what will be next.  I have to think of the next big thing to plan....the life of an endurance athlete is somewhat lonely because most don't understand, but the one thing I share with the other athletes I talk to is the rush to keep pushing and find the next big challenge. 

This is not a game, and I'm not playing......

All circuits each rep is 10-18 sets.  Moving fast....
Target legs and shoulders 3 hours
2 Leg Squat, Cable Military Press, 1 Leg Squat, 1 Arm 1 Leg Shoulder Press, Plate Rotator, Butt Blaster, Jump Rope
3 Stairs, 3 Laps, 18 Pull Ups
Seated Calf, Power Clean, Lat Lunges, Shoulder Raise BB, Plank 1.5 min, Run w/20 lb. weight overhead, Behind the neck pull ups
7 Min Elliptical, Jump Rope, Alligator Push Ups
BB Military Press, Incline Squats, 1 Leg Lunges, Shoulder Raise, Jumping Jacks, Lat J.Jacks, Incline Sit ups, Mountain Climbers, Calves
Sauna Stretch 8 Min.
Sauna Cardio hard 20 Min.

Take that Death Race

Yesterday I was rushed to make the boot camp.  I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have to rush to make class.  I only got an hour in at the gym

Target Chest and Triceps
Incline Bench, DB Flies, DB Overhead, DB Kickback, Jump rope, Incline Situps, DB Pushups, Dips
Elliptical 7 Min, Reverse Pull Ups on Triceps

Boot Camp
Warm Up run
Circuit jumping over wall, lat side steps, fast feet
Stairs - 5 Min. dips, then Pushups up the stairs, squats on the way down
5 Min. Speed Stair Work
5 Min Lunges with Med Ball and Med Ball throw Squats
A little extra work in. 

The more I sweat in training the less I bleed in the Death Race

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Baptisim

So yesterday was the day from hell.... Woke up with a soar throat, and I was very frustrated with the fact I could feel my body getting sick and breaking down.  I really dont have time for that, espeically not now!  I decided to try and tough it out and went to the gym regardless of what my body had to say about it.  After about 30 minutes of not being able to breath, no power, no strength, I just decided that was it.  I have never really given up in a gym workout so the frustration within grew.  I threw my rope and headed to the sauna.  I spent about 20 minutes just mostly stretching and was really upset with myself. 
I headed to the shower and in all my pouting rushed home to try and get some rest.  Thank god for Ms. P.A. who catered to my tantrum.  Homemade chicken noodle soup, some rest, lots of vitamins and orange juice, and some T.L.C..... 
I wake up the next morning and despite the fact that I now have a cold taking over and I am having a hard time breathing decide to pack my things and at least get in a short 1-2 hour run after work.  As I get my gear together I realize I left my running shoes, Ipod, running sock, and baseball at the gym!  I must have thrown the biggest fit ever.... I really got upset with myself.  What was god telling me?  To slow down?  Quit?  I just felt overwhelmed...everything that is going on, all my training, finances, fundraising, sacrifice, time, why was my body breaking down and my armor lost?  My Ipod and Shoes are my current heartbeat, and I felt tired of all the money, and emotions being spent.....
So Ms. P.A. gave me just the right combination of kick in the ass and compassion.  But I realized at that moment that this is what the Death Race is all about.  What are you going to do when life is not fair.  When things don't go your way.  Quit?  Cry?  Give up?  Or are you going to pick yourself up and march on.  I always prided myself on being a guy who broke through the wall and here I was crying over a cold, ipod, and my shoes...... 
So I realized what God is trying to tell me.  First Balance.  Its just a race.  Its doesn't define me, but it can be a huge part of my personality moving forward.  Its very much like wrestling...people wont understand what I am doing or why, but in the end this is about yourself, pushing through your limits, and finding yourself.  For me this race is about so much more than a finish line.  Finish or not I am going to that farm and I am going to leave everything I have there.  I will leave with no Regrets, and it will all be left at the Amnee Farm.  This is a funeral of sorts.  I am leaving behind everything I never finished and I am coming home a different person.  This is about a wrestling career left unfulfilled, a failed marriage, a wasted youth, any missed opportunity, I am going there on my 38th birthday and coming home finished with any regrets and ready to move on to the next chapter of my life.  There is so much to look forward to.  I am marching up there to stare regret, defeat, and self doubt in the face and give it my everything.  Whatever that is I know I will be at peace...this is my baptism and I am ready......

So a few days off, Rest, and I am going to hit May with everything I got.  Watch out death I come
"The Funeral"

I'm coming up only to hold you under
I'm coming up only to show you wrong
And to know you is hard; we wonder
To know you all wrong; we were.

Really too late to call,
So we wait for morning to wake you
That's all we got
to know me as hardly golden
Is to know me all wrong, they were.

At every occasion I'll be ready for the funeral
Every occasion, once more, it's called the funeral
Every occasion, know I'm ready for the funeral
At every occasion, oh, one billion day funeral

I'm coming up only to show you down,
For I'm coming up only to show you wrong.

To the outside: the dead leaves, they're on the lawn
Before they died, had trees to hang their hope

And every occasion
I'll be ready for the funeral
And every occasion once more
It's called the funeral
And every occasion
Oh, I'm ready for the funeral
Every occasion
Of one billion day funeral

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ummmm....for some reason i have a soar throat.  I cannot and will not get sick.  I feel ok, but this begs the I dare take some days off this close to the race and just rest?  I really don't feel like my 3-4-5 days a week is enough as is.  Yuck, no getting sick. 
Very light day..... was planning on finishing out at Boot Camp, but everyone seemed non-boootcamp-motivated.  I hope we keep it going for the next few weeks...I know Yesel and I can certainly use the work and the suppport!!!

Took the day and had Madison :)  She always breathes new and refereshing life into me.....

Starting to talk to other death racers, and its really enjoying to talk to other crazies..... not too many people can understand why we do what we do, why we push our limits...i think some are just born a little crazy.... I told Yesel, and I believe this to be true....being this type of athlete can be very lonley...I think I adjust well because it is very similar to be a wrestler....

Every time I turn around seems Cross Fit Endurance is brought up....I feel like I am missing out.  However I am pretty sure what I am doing breaks what they do.  I want to go sign up for a month, but I am afraid it wont be enough.  What should I do, Tom?

Oh and special thanks to Ms. P.A for keeping me in check!

DB Incline Rows, Good Morning, BB Curls, Iso DB Curls, TBar, Power Crunch, Jump Rope
7 Min Elliptiacal 15 Behind the neck pull ups
Rear Deltoid, Iso Preacher, 2 Arm Preacher, Rear delt row, 1 arm 1 leg curl, Butt Blaster, Stair Jump (every 4th stair)
15 Min Bike Random Hills level 9

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Doctor Visit

So I am begging to feel like I have more to give in every workout...that's a little scary because I have really stepped things up.  My circuits are way beyond what I thought I could do.  Hope I don't peak to early.  The plan has always been to peak out in May, taper off in June....

Now it comes down to planning and hoping to be as prepared as possible.  I enjoy talking to other racers to try and get their thoughts, suggestions, and ideas.  Yesterday I went and got a physical and my doctor is going to send me to a sport specialist which I am very excited about.  I'm tired of the shin splints, etc...its time to get my mechanics worked on by a professional.  I do worry at times that I push it a bit to far.  I can feel my body at times agreeing with concerned the same time I am in the best shape of my life (very thin and lean at 157.  Trying to get used to this thin body).

Yesterday target was Chest and Tricep
DB Bench, Skull Crushers, DB Fly, DB kickback, Dips, Power Crunch, Jump Rope
7 Min Elliptical, alligator Push Ups, Dips
Pec Fly, Chest Press, Tri Push Down, Iso Tri Ext., Burpies w/PushUps, Tri Extenstion
3 Stairs, 3 Laps, 15 Pull Ups
Iso Lat Decline Press, Iso Lat Behind the neck Press, DB Pushups, DB Tri Ex. Overhead, Iso Lateral Incline Press, DB Jumps
Sauna 47 Minutes Hard!!!!

Take that Death Race!!  I'm reaching a new level....

"When you exist in the great state of gratitude, you become a person who only wants to give. You become so grateful that it takes over your life, and you can't find enough opportunities in a day to give. You give joy, you give love, you give money, you give appreciation, you give compliments, and you give kindness. You give the best of yourself in your job, in your relationships, and to strangers.
You will know when you have really found true gratitude, because you will become a giver. One who is truly grateful cannot be anything else"

Monday, April 25, 2011

I wont quit

So this past weekend brought a lot of self thought which is always a good thing....  I had a great workout on Friday (see below), rested Saturday, and Sunday evening did the "Rose Bowl Hill Runs" that Tom turned me onto. 

I realized that I am too much of a reactionary.  This race is all about teaching yourself to get through adversity no matter what.  I tend to perform and do my best when my surroundings are doing well.  And I get frustrated when things are not.  So this race has been perfect at helping me to try and understand balance.  That's one of the things I love about matter what is going on, he keeps his cool.  True leaders have that quality and I am doing much better at it.  This race has opened my eyes to that. 

Had a great Easter with a nice mass on Thursday, Easter Egg Hunt with Madison on Saturday, and Sunday Mass with Madi.  Did some shopping, had a nice dinner on Friday, so all is going well.  Taking it all in one step at a time and reminding myself life is a marathon not a sprint!

One thing that keeps me going is the fact that this race wants to break you.  There is certainly an element of us (racers) vs. them (race directors/promoters).  I find myself when I begin to get tired to hear Andy and Joe telling me to quit.  I actually play them saying "quit, quit, go home".  It pushes me knowing there is this big great white out there that wants to break me.  I typically don't perform well under that type of negativity, but I think i understand what it is all about....this race is my Can Tran, my fight with Booze, my struggle with anything.  The question is what are you going to do when life tells you to quit?  Give up and go home, or push through..... I am going to do my best on this thing.  I actually find myself saying out loud when I am tired "to hell with you Andy and Joe".  "Take this Death Race".  This race is about so much more than a finish line.....  I am thankful to be a part of it all....

Target - Legs (calf and quad) - Biceps
I am amazed how far along I am....I can feel my body and endurance level changing...
Split Stance Squat, Iso Preacher Curl, Butt Blaster, Curls, Med Ball Squat Jumps, Med Ball Abs, Jump Rope         
13 Min Stair Master (1.4 Miles, 70 floors), 2 Shuffle Steps around the track    
Cable Cross Over Curls, DB Lunges, Power Crunches, Jump over DB, Pull Ups, Cable Curls, Seated Calf   3x
6.5 Min Elliptical, Alligator Push Ups, Dips
Incline DB Curls, Incline Squats, Wrist Curls, Power Cleans, Med Ball Lunges, 1 Lap with Med Ball over head
Sauna Stretch
35 Min Sauna Cardio work...(17 exercises)

Rose Bowl Hills (I have learned to pace myself....problem is I always feel like I can do so much more)
2 hours - not sure of distance figured about 12 miles or so.  I don't count miles anymore its all about the quality and time of workout....this run I one time around the Rose Bowl, hitting all the hills.  I didn't like just doing the hills so each hill I made myself do something extra at the top.
Hill 1 - Step Jumps (every 4th or 5th step), Box Jumps 2x
Hill 2 - Same
Hill 3 - Rock over head
Hill 4 - Dips
Hill 5 - Shuffle Steps up, Push Ups
Hill 6 - Squats
Hill 7 - Rock over head
Hill 8 - Box Jumps
Hill 9 - Side Steps Up, Burpie Push Ups
Hill 10 - Bicycle Abs
10 50 Yard Sprints
High Knees
Shuffle Steps
Hill 11 - Jumping Jacks
Hill 12 - Mountain Climbers

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I seem to be gaining positive energy by the day..which is great timing!!  I am so happy that everything is falling into place now, as we hit this final and most intense push..... there was a period where personal life, training, and even our own group seemed to be fraying.  But things for everyone seem to be really headed in the right direction..... That is the push I needed and probably Yesel needed.... small things like stress, sleep, diet are what will separate the finishers from quitters. 

So I truly feel much more energized.  I now look forward to going back to the gym, and training in general.  Everything just feels right....the big balancing act now is time with Madison and work.  I truly feel like I could be doing a lot more in my training, but I am not a professional athlete so I have to do what I can when I can.  I am happy that I have found a sense of balance in my life which I previously lacked. 

Things look great, and even my personal life for the first time in a while has taken a great turn.  I feel supported and that is a huge difference.  I am truly lucky to have what I have and I am ready to kill this damn race....

Note to self...does that mean I am a narcissist when I put myself on a tshirt? one answer that...
Wed workout....
Target Hamstrings and Shoulders

Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Shoulder Raise, Freemnont Shoulder Press, Jump Rope      3x
3 Stairs, 3 Laps, 12 Pull Ups Ran last lap with 25 lb. weight overhead     3x
Linear Hack Press, BB Shoulder Raise, DB Shrug, DB Lat Lung, BB Shrug, Power Crunch     3x
Elliptical 6.5 Min., 50 Push Ups, 2 Sets of stair Squats       2x
Seated Leg Press, Fly, Shoulder Press, Seated Leg Curl, 2 Sets of Stair Jumps       3x

Sauna Stretch
Sauna work - 30 Min - Non Stop, cardio busting action!

On to my evening with the most beautiful girl I know...Madison! 

Life is good :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vision Quest sit ups are back!

Yesterday had to get in a quicky at the gym, then ran up to boot camp.  Boot camp was fun as Yesel and I ran it for the first time.  I think (hope) they enjoyed some of the things we did.... The Vision Quest sit ups are always a winner!

I would do more, but really appreciate Tom running it for us.  I am looking forward to next year when we are back at Annunciation and Tom, Yesel, and I can really utilize the website, promote, use the campus, and have fun!

I feel very very motivated...actually I truly feel like I am not doing enough.  Perhaps I need to start 2 a days?  Some people tell me to slow down....but should I?  Am I doing enough?  Too much?  Its hard to plan for something you have no idea what is in store! Some people are doing, more, less, all I know is I am not injured right now and that is the most important thing. 

Looking forward to some serious training....  I have Madison this weekend but I am thinking of doing a rose bowl run Sunday Night.  Tom, you want to hit the Rose Bowl hills Sunday night? 

Here was yesterday....

Target... Biceps/Back
Curls, Pull Down, Iso Curl, Low Back, Jump Rope      3x
Elliptical 7 Min. Behind the Back Pull Ups, Regular Pull Ups    2x
DB Curls, BB Row, DB Hammer Curls, Good Morning, 60 Mountain Climbers     3x
15 Bike - Random Hills
2 Arm Preacher Curls, Low Row, 1 Arm 1 Leg Iso Curl, Pull Down, 30 J.Jack, 30 Lat Jacks    3x

Boot Camp
Bungee Runs
Shuffle Runs Bungee

Circuit 30/each - Partner Drills
Vision Quest Sit Ups
One man in push up other person jump over
Med Ball Hand Off
Leg Push Downs
Jump Over Partner in Base

5 Min Stairs every other Up Jump Stairs
7 Min Stairs - bottom set leg climb - Push Up up the stairs - or Leg Squats Up - Dips or leg lifts at top

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

tshirts and another step....

Ready to pick up the workouts just a bit even though I'm getting the "slow down" speech!  I have started as of this week getting my diet more under control, so I am really hoping to peak out in May.  I really want to hit hard this last month.  I need to get in not only the best shape of my life but go to a place that most cant or wont..... I have to remind myself to respect this race and the fact that it is one of the toughest in the world.  This is NOT the muddy Buddy we are getting ready for!  This is the Death Race!!!  So I am going to kill it, and I love getting in my zone....when I get to the gym, its like I turn into someone else..... right as I walk in the door to the time I break out my baseball and do my warm up stretches....i go to another place.  When my IPod kicks in, that's it...I'm gone.  I am going to appreciate every day of this training as you never know if you will ever do anything like this again (although I am already planning my next big adventure to drag everyone into ;) )...

So I have decided to kick my gym circuit workouts up to sets of 5....I remember starting at 2 and thinking that was a lot.  I hit 4 different exercise, then one cardio 3 to 4 times...then cardio then repeat 3-4 times....trying to move fast.  Muscle confusion, speed, endurance...... and damn i feel motivated these days!  So many things to be excited about....the future is looking good....

Oh and I got some great shirts done!!!!

Target - Chest and Tri

Incline Bench, DB Kickbacks, DB Fly, Tri Overhead, Jump Rope 4x
Elliptical 7 Min, Reverse Pull Ups, 40 Push Ups     2x
Incline DB Bench, DB Overhead, Skull Crushers, Dips, 4 Sets of Stair Jumps      3x
15 Bike - Random Hills
Freemont Fly, 1 Arm 1 Leg Tri Push Down, Freemont Chest Press, 2 Arm Tri Ext Overhead, 12 Burpies with Push Ups     3x
38 Min Sauna work and dang was it hot!!!  That was awful.
12 Min Steam Room (I got angry at myself for not being able to handle the Sauna, so I went in the steam room)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Shots Rang Loud....

Life is really good right now....I have so much to be thankful for.  I feel fresh and ready to take on the final 10 weeks of training.  We finished our Yard Sale, and so far have raised $1700 for this trip!  It feels good to get all that behind us, and start to just focus on training and having fun!  My new home turf is through the Monrovia Mountains....I love that i live so close.  This past weekend I went all they way up the trail to Deer Park Trails and found Ben Overturffs abandoned Cabin.  That was truly amazing.  The trail was hot and I felt great.  I am feeling very comfortable through those trails...probably to comfortable.  I should really have someone with me when I travel that far.  I did almost step on a huge ass snake, and I ran past the huge signs that said "Trails closed due to police training"  I kept on running through until I found myself 50 yards away from their firing range!!!  All around me shots rang out loud.  I thought about what to I just quietly turned around, ran fast back the direction I came from, and prayed a stray bullet didn't hit me!!  That was a little intimidating to say the least!  On my way down, I stopped and talked to some of the cops out there..they had no idea how close I was in the woods to them.....

Personally, Spiritually, I feel very excited about the future and where all this is headed..... Its giving me the boost to really take on everything. 

Ready for the world!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

uplift mofo plan....

Had a bit of a hurry up workout yesterday, but I still got through it.  I am very concerned that I am spending too much time in the gym and not enough time out on runs, splitting wood, log squats, "mauler beatings" and things like that.  So I will be going out Saturday morning and see what kind of trouble I can get into.   Not sure where i am headed, but me and my hydro pack, ipod, and power bar are going to do some serious damage......

Looking forward to dinner with friends and a good uplift mofo plan as the chilli pepers once said....

I think yesterdays workout was something like....

Iso Curl, low back, JumpRope, Machine Curl, Low Lat Row      4x
6 Min Elliptical, 25 Pull Ups      2x
BB Curls, 50 Incline Sit Ups, DB Hammer Curls, DB Rows     3x
15 Min Bike - Random Hills
100 Jumping Jacks, Cable Push Down, Cable Iso Curl, Cable Curl, Cable bicep, Pull Down     4x
38 Minutes Sauna work - And it was hot!!!!!  Felt very dizzy and actually had to sit down to collect myself a few times....but I did like the guy who asked what i was training for and when I told him what I was doing and my age, he proceeding to tell me he thought I was a college kid training for my wrestling team :)

Had a good talk with my partner Craig this an athlete and someone who has similar background with me (although much more decorated) he always sets me straight.....  I needed some good motivation and a slap from a person who understands this type of adventure..... this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am excited!!!

Today is Rest In Peace........ 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone;
and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come.
Live in the present, and make it beautiful that it will be worth
remembering.” ~Ida Scott Taylor
It was good to get back to boot camp, and see everyone.  Great bootcamp, with more people showing up!  Tom and Yesel did a kick ass 14-15 mile hike that morning, and yet Yesel was still out there running the bleachers with everyone.

I reminded myself yesterday of what this is and what it is all about...This journey is very much like that of a wrestlers which is why I think i relate so well and why I can challenge myself in ways most wont....its just my background, my training, my programing.  But what I reminded myself of is that it is very lonley being a wrestler, or extreme athlete.....most everyone will not nor does not understand what you are doing, what it means to you, and why you push yourself over the top.  Family, friends, support, work, most everyone will not understand and that at times can make you question what you are doing.  The trick is to rememeber that what you are doing is extrodinary, and they wont understand so you have to be strong, stick to the journey, and not let anything stand in your way.  This thing is getting so close, I can see the light at the end of the I may go into my own private little world if necessary....but so much has happened and I have to remind myself why I am doing this, the personal reward, and the fact that the finish line is near. 

That said, Tom asked me what my piece is that I am missing to this training....and the truth is while I kill it in the gym, the main thing is keeping stress level down, and long endurance training on the weekend.  I am hoping to get back to it with Tom and Yesel, but if time wont allow, I am going to have to figure out how to push myself.  I may do a long run this saturday morning through the mountains.  I should go to REI and pick up some things to get me through those types of runs.... I watched an episode the other night of "I shouldnt be alive" where this guy gets lost in the mountains as he went on a hike by himself. 


Yesterday I didnt keep record of my gym workout, but it was something like....
seated Calf Raise, JumpRope, Shoulder Raise, Butt Blaster, Squats      3x
Elliptical 6 Minutes, 50 Push Ups     2x
Reverse Squats, BB Military Press, DB Shrugs, Arm Raise, 1 lap with 10 lb weight, 10 pull ups   3x
Bike Hills for 15 Min
DB Military Press, Seated Calf Raise, Plate Rotators, Plate Shurgs, Lunges, 100 Jumping Jacks

I know I am leaving something out.....but then some stretching in the sauna and boot camp.

The Bleacher Push Ups was a  new one!!! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 11
I am able to get in 4-5 reps into each set which is good....means my cardio is picking up.  I was actually surprised this morning to realize my belts don't fit me anymore!  I have really leaned up, and once I improve my diet I fully expect to lose a few more pounds.  But its new and I am enjoying it for now and I can certainly feel the difference as an athlete.  I feel fast, strong, and ready to turn up the dial......  Plus I have new found motivation at the gym.....

Chest and Triceps
Chest Press, 2 Arm Overhead Extension, Pec Fly, 1 Arm 1 Leg Tricep push down, Jump Rope      3x
Elliptical 6 Minutes, 20 Dips      2x
DB Flies, Iso Lat Behind the Neck Press, DB Kickbacks, Seated Dips, 12 Burpies with PushUps     3x
StairMaster 1 Mile, 50 Pushups
Cable Cross Over, Cable Push Down, Reverse Pull Ups, Behind the neck pull ups, 20 Box Jumps     3x

Tried to do the foam roller until a new trainer kicked me out, which screwed up my workout....

30 Minutes Sauna - 22 different Exercises
20 Minutes Steam Room - Stretch and 9 Exercises

Feel great, its taking more and more to keep my body going...superpump, vitamins, fish oil, ice, shin braces, ben gay, ibuprofen..... But I will be ready!  No Regrets!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Got 4 days in the gym this week and a good run up Canyon Park on Saturday.  I am hoping to hit 4 days a week in the gym, 3 is the minimum.  Things are getting close so the workouts have to pick up.  Time, stress, whatever cannot get in the way.  If you want something bad enough you can make anything years as a coach taught me that.  It can all be balanced, and I feel good about my current balance of life, work, family, training, and church.  I would like to do more workouts with my partners in crime, Tom and Yesel, but either way...... its getting close and the time is here to pick it up.  We need to peak in May and taper off in June. 

I have begun to purchase some things we may need for the race.  My plan is to run the entire thing with Yesel as the most successful ones seem to be in pairs.  I think if you have support and someone to lean on that's what really helps the most.  Its not about winning, its about finishing...i plan to finish with my friend.

I am very happy to live up near Canyon Park :)  How lucky am I to live so close to the mountains?  Its great, and love the area.  This weekend I did an early run through the Ben Overturff Trails up to Deer Park about 2800' elevation.  Its a great loop with a ton of hills....I'm actually still soar :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Finally got the artwork for the tshirts, and I am very happy with them...hopefully we get a few shirts printed up and we can look official!

Yesterday got a quickie in the gym before boot camp.  Had Madison at work and that is always good to keep me fresh  and re-focused!  April is tough, because Madison has the entire month off and Its up to me to fill in the days....but I am lucky to have friends and family who can help out.  Last 2 weeks I have been lucky enough to get in 4 days at the gym..... 3 is the minimum, and if I get 4 that's great.  I don't have time to do anything else, between work, Madison, and Training....but that's what this journey is all about :)

Focused on my shins...the baseball helps.  Braces, stretching, icing, tape, and feeling stronger!!

Iso Bicep Curl, Low Back Row, Row, JRope     4x
6 Min. Elliptical   50 PushUps     2x
2 arm preacher curls, Lat Pull Down, 1 arm-1eg standing curl, 12 burpies w/p-ups      4x
15 Min Stair Master - 50 Push Ups
Back Rows, One arm cable curl, DB Hammer Curls, 50 Mountain Climbers      4x
Sauna Stretch
40 Minutes Sauna work - focus on shins....about 18 exercises (sauna was not hot enough!)

Hustle up to Boot Camp

Tom kicked our ass again..... The stair squats are what get me!  Glad to see John and Maya out there.  Boot Camp is always great and a fun change of pace for me.  I am going to start working more with everyone while also getting my workout on....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

going to get past the shins...

Was able to get back to the gym....shins feeling a little stronger.... all the help from Spencer, Rick, and general advice has been helping.  Its a lot of work to baby these things, but I need to get to the race, healthy.  Using the baseball has been a lot of help.  I think people think I'm a little nuts with my baseball in the sauna, but I think the people at Ballys found me nuts long ago......

Started with all my stretching.....
Decline Bench, Overhead Tricep, Reverse Pull Ups on Tri, Jump Rope (actually got back to the rope!)     4x
Elliptical 12 Min.    50 Pushups, 10 side side push ups
Tri Push Down, 15 Burpies with Pup, chest press, tri ext    4x
15 Min Bike hill, 3 sets of stair jumps, 3 sets of stair squats
DB Bench, Skull Crushers, Overhead DB, Run one lap with weight over head    4x
Sauna Stretch
40 min in sauna with all my shin exercise, bicycle kicks, situps, pushups, etc.....

The things that come most quickly into your life are the things that you BELIEVE in the most. You can only bring to you what you BELIEVE, so you must BELIEVE to receive what you want.

Monday, April 4, 2011

back on the bike.....

Last week I was able to get in 4 days at the gym, which was great.  3 days is my minimum and I would love 4 days if possible.  On Sunday I decided to break back out the bike.  I did 30 miles at just 17mph to the rose bowl, a few laps around there, then through the hills of altadena.  I didnt think it was enough so as soon as I got home, I did 100 strikes, 100 push ups, 100 situps, 100 dips...still didn't think it was enough...until this morning!!! 
This thing is getting I need to fundraise for the rest, and train, train, train.  There is so much going on in everyones life right now....its easy to get caught up in it all.  But that's what this race is all about.  Finding yourself and overcoming all adversity.  Next month I have to peak out, so my plan is to hit 2 major weekends(my off weekends with Madison).  I'm hoping to get Tom and Spencer or anyone else out to help.  I am thinking of a early gym workout, church, cycling, lunch, run, food, and a follow up workout....I want to do like a 8-10 hour workout to better prepare.  Then let Tom or Spencer get creative for the last major workout.  June will be all about coming down, rest, and getting ready.

My shins feel better, thanks to Spencer's advice, rest, and doing all I can to baby them!  I am going to have to spend a lot of time babying these things.... my plan is 2 weeks off running, 2 weeks on.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

write up in the patch, house, and shin splints..what a combo....

Well I was able to hit the gym, Mon, Tue, and Wed, and will go back tomorrow.  My shins started to hurt, which really concerns me.  If I get shin splints it will throw me out of the race.  Tom sent me just the right advise...that this will be the toughest challenge yet...backing off.  Listening to my body.  I am now icing and will use the foam roller.  Ill have to take the next 2 weeks off and only do elliptical, swim, and bike.  I am really not looking forward to that.  My hope is do 2 weeks on and 2 off the rest of the way with my running. 

I am hoping that this weekend we can do the Rose Bowl.  Tom and Yesel can run and I can do laps on my bike.  Perhaps if I bring my bike, then I can still add in all the other circuit training.  I could even try to bring my cheap ass 200 lb. mountain bike that i have had since 1985 and ride while they run.  Tom, let me know!!

We were written about in the patch....stuff like that is motivating!!  I just dont want to be hurt!!

oh, and Amy was awesome enough to get a great place squared away.  We have a huge 5 bedroom house 2 miles from the venue!  We have to have our garage sale in 2 weeks be a success to have the security deposit to keep the place.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

keep motivated!!

The Past few days I was able to get in to the gym and hit my usual routine.  Last night we brought back Boot Camp, and my brother and Leann showed up which was very cool.  Now that this thing is getting close we need to do the last of our fundraising, a couple yard sales and the boot camps.  That should be enough to get us there.  In the next few weeks I should have the last of the details planned out and that will relieve a bunch of stress so I can just focus on training.

I think the toughest part of training for something like this is consistency.  Its easy to get caught up in a moment, feel stressed, busy, whatever and get out of your routine.  The key is going to be keeping it together, stronger than ever for the final 2 months.  I made a commitment and I am sticking to this.  Hopefully I get one day a week to train with Yesel, one day a week for boot camp, one day a week long work with Tom and Yesel, plus my own workouts. 

I know Tom and Yesel are reading this..... so guys I need you to keep both Yesel and I focused for this final push!  When this is over we will be able to look back and be amazed at the journey and know that we can do anything..... that is the lesson I plan to teach my daughter after this is over.....

Monday, March 28, 2011


On Friday I was able to get in my workout at the gym, then Saturday before Madison's Birthday Yesel and I were able to get in a run at Canyon Park.  Now that we have our flight, things are getting real.  Amy has agreed to pick up and help us.  I certainly hope so, because if not I don't know how we will do this.  You must have a support team, so having Amy and the boys will be fun!! 

Here was Fridays workout which was funny because after the workout the trainer stopped me and asked if I would train him.  They think Yesel and I are nuts and told me they inspired by our workouts.  Honestly that inspires me, some of the attention...
Cable Cross Over Curls, Low Row, Iso Cable Curl, Jump Rope      4x
5 Min Elliptical, 50 Push Ups    2x
Arm Curl, Row, Low Back Sit Ups, 80 Mountain Climbers, 50 Jumping Jacks     4x
2 Min. bike, 1 Min all out       4x
T-Bar, Sit Ups, DB Hammer Curls,  BB Curls      4x
2 Stair Squats, 2 Stair Jumps, 10 Pull Ups      3x
1 Lap with 10lb Weight, 1 Lap Side Jumps   3x

Sauna Stretch - Sauna Work  -  
Sit Ups, Wide Grip Push Ups, Leg Climbs, Hand to Toe Sit Ups, Rope Climb, Sprint, Jog, and a few others....

Saturday Morning Yesel and I ran up to Canyon Park.  I feel so lucky to have these trails so close to my house :)  We took photos for the Monrovia Patch, and had some good runs.  Once we got to the falls, we did our push ups, dips, and met a guy who did the Vermont 100!  Then we did some hill runs and seemed to gather a crowd.  It was motivating that people were taking pictures, and telling us that we are crazy...asking what we are training for.  Then a park ranger came up and tried to give us a citation for running off the trail!  After I gave her a hard time and the crowd got on her, she got nervous, hands started to shake, and she gave us a warning.  It was funny!  Coming down the hill I grabbed a log and ran with it, we did some box jumps and run in place.  Its very motivating to hear people asking what we are doing and calling us nuts!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stepping it Up...

Yesterday was great, I had some time to step up my gym workout.  I am really looking forward to this weekends run up Canyon Park.  We will get some good work in with Andy (the heaviest nastiest log I can find) and Joe (tire). 

I worked in some new things, and my diet has improved.  I am intrigued by Spencer's idea of writing a book when this is over, or really getting Trinity going.  I think having Tom and I back at Annunciation we can really get trinity off the ground.  The site is coming along and my thought is to use the Annunciation cafeteria and field one night a week.  Then every other weekend offering a run up one of our trails.  We could offer 3 different pacers Tom, Yesel, and I can take them in groups of threes....with beginner, intermediate, and advanced.... 

So here it was....
4 Hours - No Rest and No Doubt -
Seated Leg Press, Shoulder Press, Reverse Leg Curl, Jump Rope           4x
2 Sets of Stair Jumps (every third step), 2 Laps, 1 Side Step Lap        3x
Hamstring Curls, Leg Extension, Shoulder Raise, 25 Ab Crunchers, Butt Blaster, 2 sets of stair Squats, 1 Lap           4x
5 Min Elliptical, 10 behind the neck pull Ups        2x
Military Press, 1 Leg Lunges, Shrugs, 1 Lap with 10lb. weight overhead, 10 Pull Ups             4x
5 Min Elliptical, 50 Push Ups            2x
Linear Hack Press, Row, Shoulder Raise BB, Jump Rope          4x
Sauna Stretch
Sauna Work - Situps, Heel Walks, Leg Lifts, Yes No, Calf Raise, Box Jumps

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Someone made me think about this quote today..... 
''Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.'' - Mark Twain

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

to the fullest

I had to rush through this one to get home in time for the cable guy, however, I was able to get in some work.  I felt great.  Today is Madison's birthday and it makes me reflect on why I am doing all this.  Life is short and people live their lives but how many truly live it to the fullest?  I remember when Louie Madrigal died and I thought it was so very sad that he never married, never had kids, never had anything outside of coaching his kids.  I think this journey is about balance.  Experiencing everything you can while you can.  I want to live things to the fullest.  I hope to be the best Dad I can be, grow this business, be the best athlete I can, and if I am lucky enough find the person to share the rest of my life with.  But its all a balancing act.  And everything I do, I will to the fullest.  Why do it half way, or just enough?  I want to look back without regret and knowing that I did it my way..... As Spencer used to say....its all about a story.....

I hope some day, my daughter will look back with pride and know that her daddy lived it as best as he could.....

Yesterdays Short Workout (a little over 2 hours)
No Rest!!
Incline Bench, Tri Ext. Overhead, Dips, Jump Rope          4x
Run 3 Laps, then flip over pull ups with extension on triceps (looks cooler than it is)    3x
DB Bench, DB Kickback, Skull Crusher, Incline Sit Ups           4x
5 minute Elliptical,  50 Push Ups        2x
Chest Press, 2 Arm Standing Tri Extension, Pec Fly, 2 Arm Tri Overhead, 10 Burpies, 5 Burpies with PUps       4x
2 Min Bike, 1 Min all out      4x
Sauna stretch and Sauna Work - Sit Ups, Dips, Bicycle Kicks, Diamond Push Ups, Leg Lifts, 100 J.Jacks    2x

Monday, March 21, 2011

Forgot about Saturday.  Spent what seemed like all day recycling for our air fair!!  Death Race nothing, more like Death Smell after I was done....but the point is we have done some fundraising and have been able to raise about $700.  So we will get our tickets this week, and that will make it all feel so much more official.  The good part is after all the work trying to raise that money there is no way I wont give this my all.  I think one of the challenges for the death race should be recycling one at a time 15 bags of a years worth of Tony's cans.  I am very grateful but man was that something....between that and the poker and the promotion and all, I am very grateful and motivated!!! 

We need to do one more fundraiser, a garage sale at Toms house.  A Sunday to filter in the traffic from Church would be perfect......