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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2-7- WOD

I feel like a game of Mario Brothers..... My body is telling me to take it to the next level.  I think I am on level 6 and its time to take on the Kammy Koopa on level 7.  My body has started to adjust to my newer workouts so its time to change it up and get a little tougher.  When I was a kid, in 6th grade, I was one of the first in San Marino to have the new super Nintendo.  Myself, D.R. Moreland, and Nathan Olsen were the first on the block to beat Super Mario Brothers...I was born to do this. 

So I will have to get creative.  I need a tire to bang with a sledgehammer, a pool to dive into, a mud swamp to swim through, an ax to chop wood, or a log to name and carry up hills.  Ill need to enlist the help of some friends to get creative.  I am sure Tom and Spencer will think of something miserable for Yesel and I.  Heck, Spencer works for Activision, I'm sure his team can think of a new antagonist to conquer......

Time is the only enemy.  Last night I was able to see Madison and do her homework with her.  That really brought back my energy.  Trying to juggle all my commitments is the biggest obstacle.  But when this is over, some day, I will sit back with Madison and tell her the story of the Death Race.  Its not how you finish...its the journey you took to get there....

All Super Sets, very little rest....
Flat Bench, Tri Ext. Overhead, Dips, Jumprope       4x
Run 2 Laps, Run a Lap with 10 lb. Medicine Ball overhead        3x
Cable Crossover Fly, Cable Kickback, Pushdown, 50 j.jacks, 50 j.jacks front/back       4x
5 Stairs, 15 Push Ups         4x
Tricep Press, Chest Press, Chest Fly, 3 Sets of Stair Jumps (every third step)        4x
1 Mile Elliptical
DB Bench, Skull Crushers, Wrist Curls       3x
Sauna Stretch
Sauna Work - Sit Ups, Dips, Bench Push Ups, Calf Raise, Leg Lifts, Yes No's, Rope Climb, Walk on Heels, Jump Rope, Jog in Place 30 Sec. Sprint 30 Sec.     3x

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