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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2-28 WOD

I felt pretty good.  This is the month I need to start to step up with everything...Diet, intensity of training, attitude, fundraising...all needs to be stepped up.  I had an ok time with the Super Spartan, but Im starting to think that I should have been pushing these things a bit more.  I am afraid to try and look at these as a competiton because if I do that, they may stop being about having fun. So I am a bit torn about that.  I just think I am at a point in my life I may never be at again and could be doing even more..... 

I dont want to shave my head so I hope we get in a paper sometime soon!!

WOD - 2.5 Hours
DB Bench, Tri Extension Overhead, Skull Crushers, Jumprope 4x
2 Laps, 2 Sets of Stairs, 20 Push Ups 5x
DB Flies, DB Kickbacks, Weighted Dips, Box Jumps 4x
1 Lap with 10 lb. Medicine Ball above head, 1 Lap jog 5x
Seated 2 arm Tri Ext., Incline Chest Press, Freemont Chest Press, 20 Burpies 4x
2 Sets of Stairs, One Stair Squats, 1 Stair Jumps, 10 Push Ups 6x
Sauna Stretch
Sauna Work - Sit Ups, Diamond Push Ups, Scissor Kicks, Dips, Leg Lifts, Calf Raise, Bench Jumps Sprint 30 sec. Jog 30 sec. 3x

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